Affiliate Program

Home / Affiliate Program

Promote IDMPakistan

And Earn a Rs 5,000 Commission on Every Confirmed Enrollment*

How It Works?

Sign Up As An Affiliate

Create your account as an affiliate by going here. Once approved you will be given a unique link.

Promote IDMPakistan

Share your unique link to your friends. Run ads. Hold events and convince people to join IDMPakistan’s Digital Marketing training.

Earn Rs 10,000 on every sale*

As soon as someone enrolls from your affiliate link and submits his/her fee to IDMPakistan. You will earn Rs 10,000 commission.

How It Works?

Sign Up As An Affiliate

Sign Up As An Affiliate​ by clicking ⬇️

Promote IDMPakistan

Share your unique link to your friends. Run ads. Hold events and convince people to join IDMPakistan’s Digital Marketing training.

Earn Rs 5,000 on every sale*

As soon as someone enrolls from your affiliate link and submits his/her fee to IDMPakistan. You will earn Rs 5,000 commission.

How Much You Can Earn?

1 Confirmed Enrollment
1 k Rs
10 Confirmed Enrollment
1 k Rs
20 Confirmed Enrollment
1 k Rs
50 Confirmed Enrollment
1 k Rs
100 Confirmed Enrollment
1 k Rs

(Must Read Before Signing Up)

Frequently Asked Questions

A website owner or individual who promotes someone’s business(s) (products or services) in return for a commission payment once a sale has been generated.


IDMPakistan brings the most advanced digital marketing course where you can learn from easy and highly interactive instructor-led online classes. We don’t believe in recorded classes as digital marketing is always evolving and hence requires instructor-led live sessions.


You will earn Rs 5,000 Flat commission on every 1+ enrollment.

Please understand this:

If you send us only 1 confirmed enrollment in a month you will earn Rs 5,000 commission. However if you send us 2 confirmed enrollments, you will earn Rs 10,000 commission. Once you send us second enrollment of the month your commission structure changes to Flat Rs 10,000 for that month for every enrollment.

If there is any confusion:
Please Contact Mr. Arbaz (Sales Head) at,
Whatsapp : 0314-8860546 (TEXT ONLY)

Once your affiliate status is confirmed, you will receive your commission within the next upcoming 15th of the month.

The more you promote, the more you earn.


No. You will be paid for every confirmed enrollment.

What is a confirmed enrollment?

Someone who enrolls, pays the fee (in either one go, 2 installments or 3 installments) and do not ask for refund before the 2nd live class.

So if someone pays IDMPakistan for the training and asks the refund before the 2nd live class, commission will not be credited to your account.

We have recorded a training where we teach you plenty of ways to promote IDMPakistan’s training. You can watch the training HERE.

What is a confirmed enrollment?

Someone who enrolls, pays the fee (in either one go, 2 installments or 3 installments) and do not ask for refund before the 2nd live class.

So if someone pays IDMPakistan for the training and asks the refund before the 2nd live class, commission will not be credited to your account

IDMPakistan will cancel your account immediately if any fraudulent activity is noticed in sending the referrals. Plus for any paid amount, FIR will be lodged for recovery. 

Affiliate Area

IDMPakistan’s Affiliate Area

Watch The Video Below ↓↓

Please contact Mr. Arbaz (Affiliate/Sales Head) for any inquiries or assistance at: ⬇️

Whatsapp : 0314-8860546 (TEXT ONLY)